Quotes - Wisdom - Jokes

The toilet is not a crime scene!

Traces may be removed

a dirty old room
a dirty old room

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.

Quote by Phyllis Diller from the 1966 book Phyllis Diller's Housekeeping Hints

green T-rex toy on white stair
green T-rex toy on white stair

What dinosaur never procrastinates doing its chores?

The Prontosaurus.

Do you know who cleans the bottom of the ocean?

A mer-maid.

woman in black and white dress on brown rock formation on sea during daytime
woman in black and white dress on brown rock formation on sea during daytime
white macbook air on brown wooden table
white macbook air on brown wooden table

A girl visited a programmer. They went into the kitchen and he put the tea on. She: "Your table is so clean! I think that's good! Normally men have cups, plates, crumbs..." He thought to himself: - "Am I daft to eat here? I have a computer desk for that."

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person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer